Habitat in Armenia

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Our First Group Dinner

Sunday, September 3
(blog written while in Armenia)

This evening we had our first big group dinner at a restaurant along the river whose name I won't even attempt to write out. Upon arrival they showed us an area where four women were making lavash – a thin, white bread. With the skill of ages, these women kneeded, pulled and pounded the bread into long pieces. We were all given pieces of bread rolled-up with herbed sheep cheese and a small sipping glass of very strong vodka.

Making the lavash

The meal itself was fantastic – both for the food and the chance to get our travelmates better. Dr. Edgar regaled us with stories of his travels and others spoke of their own past experiences with Habitat or what drove them to attend this build if it was their first. Apparently we've come at a good time for vegetables and fruits, and the spread of food included many vegetable dishes, with lots of eggplant and tomato. Again there was more cheese, olives, a wonderful, thick yogurt for the lavash bread and the main course was BBQ chicken, pork and beef.

Bishop Wayne Clymer and wife Virginia

Phylis raises her water in a toast.

Below our seats was a dance floor and partway through our meal the band began playing upbeat tunes – drawing a crowd of people, young and old, to the dance floor. Later on a skill belly-dancer entertained before the dancing began again. A few of our group even made it out to the dance floor – and I have pictures to prove it! (Yes, that second picture is me ...)

Regina Pound takes to the dance floor.

Ok, so I never said I could dance ...

Tomorrow we're going to a reception for all the people who are coming to the build (which is something like 90 volunteers) and then we’ll be going to Lake Sevan and checking into a new hotel.


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